Achieving Gut Balance: The Power of Water

This article is about how changing the kind of water I was drinking had an amazing effect on my gut health

7/7/20232 min read

water drops on water base
water drops on water base

Thanks for opening up my page. In this blog post, I am excited to share the first major change that had a profound impact on restoring balance to my gut: water. Join me as I discuss the significance of choosing the right type of water and its role in improving gut health.

The Quest for Optimal Water

When it comes to water, not all options are created equal. After seeking advice, I learned that drinking filtered water was not enough; I needed to explore the benefits of spring water. Finding genuine spring water can be challenging, but with thorough research, it is possible to discover relatively affordable options.

Discovering the Wonders of Fiji Water

In my exploration, I came across Fiji water, an extraordinary brand that delivered remarkable results. Though it may come with a higher price tag, its exceptional mineral content and overall quality make it worth considering.

The Acidic Nature of Some Expensive Waters

During my water research, I discovered that several expensive water brands are naturally acidic, which raised concerns for me. While I don't fully comprehend the scientific reasoning behind it, I found that examining the mineral content of water is crucial. Opting for water that is at least mildly alkaline, with a pH level slightly above 7, proved to be transformative for me. I can't see how the super alkaline of 8 or 9 pH is going to benefit you. That sounds like cleaning chemicals.... But I am not one to judge. If it really works for you that is wonderful. I prefer to look at things close to what nature provided as that is what our bodies were designed to consume. Mostly our modern lives cause us to eat and drink so many unnatural things that we are not accustomed to which I personally believe is the reason we are developing so many health problems like my own.

The Affordable Alternative: Mineralized Water Filtration Systems

Realizing that purchasing Fiji water or similar brands may not be sustainable for everyone, I sought a cost-effective solution. I decided to invest in a good water filtration system that not only removes impurities but also mimics the mineralization process found in natural spring water. This approach ensures that the water I consume provides the essential minerals that our bodies need.

Check out my review of my personal choice for a home water filtration system - the Watersco filter

If you want to skip the review and go right to buy the water filter click here

In conclusion, I discovered that making a conscious choice about the type of water we consume can positively impact gut health. Whether it's exploring reputable brands like Fiji Water or finding a suitable alternative in your country or region, prioritizing water quality is crucial. For those seeking a more affordable option, investing in a reliable mineralized water filtration system can replicate the benefits of natural spring water. Remember, our bodies thrive when provided with the necessary minerals, and optimal hydration is a key factor in achieving gut balance. Stay tuned for more insights and discoveries on my journey to improved gut health!