Unleashing the Green Elixir: How Matcha Boosted My Gut Health and Beyond!

Take a look at my personal experience with Matcha and find out why I make it a daily part of my routine.

7/21/20232 min read

person pouring water on black ceramic mug
person pouring water on black ceramic mug

Embarking on my quest for optimal gut health, I stumbled upon an incredible gem called Matcha. Surprisingly, not many people in Australia seem to be using it, but the health benefits are too good to miss out on!

My Matcha Journey began one afternoon at work when I decided to give it a try. I saw Matcha lattes on the menu at a recently opened place in Sydney CBD that focussed on all sorts of unique Japanese tasty treats. So I tried it and it was delicious but not only that, the effects were remarkable – I felt energized and revitalized! Intrigued, I delved into its potential health benefits, even though it may not have undergone extensive western medical testing. However, Matcha has a rich history of use in Asia for its health benefits, which piqued my interest even more.

One significant perk of Matcha is how it helps restore my body after my daily coffee indulgence. Yes, it contains caffeine, but its effects are unique compared to regular coffee. Being made from green tea leaves that are finely ground into a powder sets it apart. If you are looking for a way to reduce your coffee intake at least for a day or two then Matcha can help you detox and recharge from overindulging in coffees.

To enjoy it best, I use a small sieve to sprinkle around 1.5 grams into a cup, just enough water to make it wet, and then employ a hand-held milk frother to mix it all up. Gradually adding more water according to my taste preference, but I avoid making it too bitter. The original style is very strong and concentrated, but I didn't like it this way. I ended up just having it with water as milk will interfere with certain aspects of its health benefits. No sugar, no milk I feel is the best way to receive its magic green goodness.

For my personal ultimate Matcha experience, I love having it in the morning right after breakfast, at least 15 minutes before having any other beverages. This routine works wonders for me and gives my day a fantastic start.

A Big Benefit of Matcha is that it becomes an excellent ally during colds or flu, providing an immune boost to help the body fend off viruses. But beware of the vast array of Matcha varieties and grades out there. I recommend going for ceremonial grade and above for the pure, just add water version – it's worth it! Look for richer, darker green hues, indicating higher quality.

I encourage you to experiment with Matcha at different times of the day to suit your routine. Just a word of caution, be mindful of what you pair it with. Certain combinations, like acidic fruits, may not sit well with your stomach.

So, unleash the power of Matcha to supercharge your gut health and overall well-being! Give it a try, explore its versatility, and savor the journey to a healthier you. Let the green elixir work its magic, one cup at a time!

If you want to try it out click through on Amazon and order some today